S04E09 - Testimony

No: 37  |   Season: 4   Episode:  |   Air Date: 7-Jun-15  

We have some extracts. J-Rock, Jizzy Gillespie, Jack and the Giant Jackoff, Gaylien, Tinker Balls, Wadzilla, One Erection.We have some extracts. J-Rock, Jizzy Gillespie, Jack and the Giant Jackoff, Gaylien, Tinker Balls, Wadzilla, One Erection.


While Selina fields questions from the press, members of her staff testify before a congressional committee about whether the Families First vote was intentionally sabotaged - and who was really behind the data breach.

Director and Writers

Director: Armando Iannucci
Story by: Sean Gray & Armando Iannucci & Will Smith
Teleplay by: Sean Gray & Will Smith


Ms. Bennett: Do you recall a document shared on the J-drive titled the Jonad Files?
Dan: Uh, no. No, ma'am.
Amy: No. That doesn't ring a bell.
Ms. Bennett: So it's not a word combining Jonah and gonad?
Dan: Not to my knowledge.
Jonah: I can confirm that that is exactly what it is and Mr. Egan knows that.
Mr. Rakes: In fact, Mr. Egan, I was told that you encouraged staffers to add to this glossary of abuse.
Dan: I do not at this moment in time recall the action nor the document in question.
Mr. Rakes: Okay, maybe this will jog your memory. We have some extracts. J-Rock, Jizzy Gillespie, Jack and the Giant Jackoff, Gaylien, Tinkerballs, Wadzilla, One Erection--
Jonah: Do we have to go through all of these?
Mr. Wallace: I'm not sure that I see the relevance.
Mr. Rakes: The witnesses claim they held their former colleague in high regard and I am attempting to prove otherwise.
Mr. Wallace: Okay, yeah, sure. No, you can proceed.
Mr. Rakes: The Pointless Giant, The 60-Foot Virgin, Gimpanzee, Jonah Ono, Hagrid's Nutsack, Scrotum Pole, Transgenderformers, 12 Years a Slave to Jerking Off, Benedict Come In His Own Hand, Guyscraper, The Cloud Botherer, SupercalifragilisticexpialiDickCheese, Teenage Mutant Ninja Asshole, Spewbacca.
Jonah: My college friends called me Tall McCartney. I preferred that, that's a good nickname.

Tom James: Gary Walsh, you need to understand, is a 12-year-old boy trapped in the body of a 12-year-old girl.

Bill Ericsson: Where is Congresswoman Bennett?
Mrs Brewer: She is absent.
Bill Ericsson: Yes, I got that! I took noticing at high school!

Mr. Rakes: Can you tell us who was responsible for the data breach, Mr. Cafferty?
Ben: No.
Mr. Rakes: But you do know who was responsible?
Ben: No.
Mrs Brewer: Can you tell us anything at all about said data breach?
Ben: No.
Mr Rakes: Are you gonna continue to answer every question with a one-word answer Mr Cafferty?
Ben: No... I am not.

Notes and Trivia

The whole episode was filmed in one day, going from set to set.

This episode was nominated for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series.




StarringJulia Louis-DreyfusSelina Meyer
StarringAnna ChlumskyAmy Brookheimer
StarringTony HaleGary Walsh
StarringReid ScottDan Egan
StarringTimothy SimonsJonah Ryan
StarringMatt WalshMike McLintock
StarringKevin DunnBen Cafferty
StarringSufe BradshawSue Wilson
StarringGary ColeKent Davison
StarringSam RichardsonRichard Splett
Guest StarringHugh LaurieTom James
Guest StarringDiedrich BaderBill Ericsson
Guest StarringWinslow CorbettReporter
Guest StarringJessie EnnisLeigh Patterson
Guest StarringMelanie Nicholls-KingMs. Bennett
Guest StarringEthan PhillipsMr. Wallace
Guest StarringSarah SutherlandCatherine Meyer
Co-StarringDavid BeachMr. Rakes
Co-StarringJeremy Bent
Co-StarringElyse Brandau
Co-StarringKevin Dorff
Co-StarringEmily Fleming
Co-StarringCallie Hersheway
Co-StarringBus Howard
Co-StarringAndrew MacLarty
Co-StarringJuliet Adair PritnerMrs. Brewer (as Juliet Pritner)
Co-StarringConnor Ratliff